WE NEED VENDORS! We have plenty of room for vendors, businesses, and associations at our event. While there is no fee to be a vendor, you will need to purchase passes for yourself, and your employees who are working the event. Otherwise, you keep 100% of the proceeds!
>Click Here for the Vendor Application Form
Fill out the above application form and submit it to:
City of Harrisburg, c/o Michele Eldridge
PO Box 378, Harrisburg, OR 97446.
For questions, please call Michele at 541-995-6655, or email meldridge@ci.harrisburg.or.us.
See vendor application form for application and liability of insurance deadline dates as well as vendor event days/hours. *All Food Vendors must provide a certificate of liability insurance naming the City of Harrisburg, Kurt Kayner, and the Harrisburg Harvest Festival Association as additional insured, with a minimum amount of $1,000,000. See vendor application form for deadline date. Other vendors will need to sign a hold harmless agreement. Affordable insurance is available through ACT Insurance. You can contact them by going to Actinsurance.com , email info@actinsurance.com or call 1-888-568-0548.
*See vendor application link above for full set up information